Tag Archives: Bodywrap

Infrared Body Wrap

24 Jun

The decision to get a body wrap was not solely my decision. A friend of mine actually bought a Groupon but then found out she was unable to use it so gifted it to me. I’ve always wanted to try a body wrap! When I think body wraps I usually think of herbal treatments or mineral wraps. I though I would need to strip down to my birthday suit and then get wrapped up like a mummy. That was not the case at all. The infrared body wrap was something different all together. I called to schedule my appointment and the consultant prepared me as follows. She first made sure I was eligible (not pregnant, no body piercing that can’t be removed, no metal implants, no heart issues, not on medications that may be effected by excessive heat) and then she told me what type of clothes to wear ( cotton is good, no spandex, nothing with wire, snaps, or metal buttons, make sure skin is fully covered) and lastly she told me to drink as much water as possible leading up to my appointment. The groupon was good for 2 wraps so I scheduled them a week apart. I arrived at Luna Fitness a little early. I was surprised to see the No Men allowed signs on the doors.

20130624-160037.jpg Luna fitness is a cute little gym that caters to women. They offer lots of great services (tanning, full gym, classes, massages, and the infrared wrap) and a private environment where ladies can let their hair down so to speak. I live pretty far from this place but would recommend it to those that may be looking for something different and in the Chandler/ Tempe area.
So my consultant showed me to the scale, took my measurements, and then took me to my room to get situated. I basically climbed into a hospital bed and was strapped into something like this….

20130624-160524.jpg but this place didn’t have the arm cuffs. The consultant offered to let me watch a movie, I could play on my cellphone, or I can take a nap until the time passes. 1 hour would be the duration of the wrap. I opted to hang on to my cellphone and play on Pinterest lol. The consultant came back 3 times to check on me to make sure I was not getting any hot spots. I got super hot but nothing I couldn’t bare. She said if I did encounter something uncomfortable she would simply unwrap me and use towels to add padding but I was okay. The last 15 minutes were the hottest and my entire body was sweating, my hair was wet, and my clothes were drenched. After my hour was up I went into the locker room to towel off and change clothes. I then met up with the consultant to weight in and get measured again. Here were my results:

After my first wrap

🔹I lost 2 pounds
🔹I lost 2 inches off my hips
🔹I lost one inch off each thigh
🔹My waist & bust stayed the same

Before my second Wrap

🔹All measurements were the same
🔹 I was down 2 more pounds

After Second Wrap

🔹Down one more pound
🔹Lost one inch off my waiste
🔹All other measurements were the same.

20130624-161704.jpg I can’t give all the credit to the wraps. I also tracked my calories really good the past two weeks in my fitness pal, I worked out really hard, and I drank lots of water. I would say the wraps might be beneficial if you are rich and plan on getting a monthly package but for me it was more of a detox and not something I can afford on a regular basis.The heat also really helped my back pain and sore muscles. So here are my pros and cons:
🔹Sweat equals detox
🔹Inches and pounds lost
🔹Helps sore muscles
🔹 Relaxing
🔹Not Messy
🔹No clothing removal needed
🔹Can burn up to 1400 calories supposedly
🔹Does not improve body tone or cellulite
🔹 Expensive unless you land upon a special
🔹Could achieve the same results by sitting in a sauna at the gym in one of those baked potato outfits or at least Im guessing.

20130624-162614.jpg P.s. I still want to try a herbal or mineral wrap at least once so stay tuned!

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